Swatch Bharat Abhiyaan – November 2018
Swachh Bharat Mission runs by ministry of HRD in India from 2nd October 2014 to 2019.In this series St. Andrew’s College of Physiotherapy celebrated Swachh Bharat Mission on 21st November 2018 in the college premises. All teaching ,non-teaching staff and Students of 1st & 2nd Year of B.P.Th St. Andrew’s College of Physiotherapy were present. The Abhiyaan started at 10 AM .At the beginning of event Dr. Albin Jerome , Principal, St.Andrews college of Physiotherapy gave a brief speech regarding the importance of cleanness of in the society. He highlighted the vision of Hon’ble Prime Minister of India about Swachh Bharat Mission and explained about Mahatma Gandhiji’s dream of a clean India. He also told cleanliness is required to live healthy, as Cleanliness is equal to Godliness
The college campus was cleaned by the students, the cleaning of polythene bags, collecting dirty materials and fencing around the plant plantation site and the wastage was dispersed in to the dumping yard. The students also cleaned the playground which was partially covered with unnecessary plants. The students also watered the plants. Various cleanliness and hygienic aspects were informed to the students.The Abhiyaan was completed at 1PM with students taking pledge to keep the home and country clean.